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Friday, October 2, 2009

Obama Czar Seeks "Chilling Effect" on Internet

By Rick Pearcey • October 2, 2009, 06:11 AM

Regulatory Czar Cass Sunstein's new book, titled Rumors: How Falsehoods Spread, Why We Believe Them, and What Can Be Done, "delivers a warning to those who would spread false rumors about Barack Obama," writes Lee Cary at American Thinker.

Cary quotes the czar, page 88:

Some kind of chilling effect on damaging rumors is exceedingly important -- not only to protect people against negligence, cruelty, and unjustified damage to their reputations, but also to ensure the proper functioning of democracy itself.

"Of course," Cary observes and as all czars and protectors of democracy have always known, "creating a 'chilling effect' isn't censorship."

Nor, one suspects we are to believe, is such a "chilling effect" a denial of the Constitution, the 1st Amendment, or an unalienable right endowed upon all people by our true Creator (which is not the federal state).

In fact, to suggest censorship, to imply such a thing, or to charge such a thing -- against a patriotic protector of Democracy, no less -- why, that may well be an evil rumor spread on the internet. About which something ought to be done.

In the world of czars, Sunsteins, and Obamas, a visit from the Ministry of Love and Community Organized for the Protection of Democracy and Decency might be in order.

It's 3 a.m. What's that knock on the door?

Oh. They're just here to collect the fine and ensure the retractions are all in order. For a minute there, I was worried.

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