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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Update: Obama Praise Song "Publicly Posted Without Permission"

By Rick Pearcey • September 29, 2009, 10:33 AM

Joshua Rhett Miller reports at Fox News:

A song about President Obama that was performed by a group of young New Jersey students and has led to charges of indoctrination was videotaped and posted on the Internet without authorization, a district official told parents.

"The performance and the videotaping at the B. Bernice Young Elementary School in Burlington, N.J., have sparked a review by school officials, according to a letter to parents from Christopher Manno, Burlington Township's superintendent of schools.

"We are carefully evaluating what occurred and will implement any additional needed procedures to prevent children's images in school from being publicly posted without permission," Manno wrote on Friday. "We will also provide reasonable direction and guidelines so that classroom activities will not give the appearance of promoting a particular political perspective."

Is this an example of one fox videotaped in the hen house -- and other foxes complaining about the videotape?

About the only thing missing from the video were images of the glorious Obama walking among the children and patting them on their heads.

Didn't that glorious leader of Iraq -- what, Saddam Hussein -- do that sort of thing? Ah, don't worry. He was just a guy from the neighborhood.

If parents and neighbors are skeptical, good. That's precisley what they are expected to be as free and independent thinkers created in the image of the God who endows each of us with "certain unalienable rights."

By the way, one more thing is missing in the video: Education.

Read the whole story.