Resistance Watch: The Not-So-Silent Majority
Bruce Walker pipes up at American Thinker:
The Silent Majority forty years ago was cowed, afraid, and ashamed.
Its members, the majority of good Americans, felt the sting of being called a racist, sexist, fascist, or whatever casual insult the Left sought to hurl.
The voices of conservative America now include many black Americans, huge numbers of women, lots of Jews, and more Hispanics.
These Americans have seen how the Left mistreats Clarence Thomas and Sarah Palin: they know that any bigotry that exists in American politics is primary on the left.
Human beings were created by God to take this life by the horns and live it to its fullest -- not as self-idolatrous, relativistic inhumane money-grubbers, power-grubbers, or community-organizing-grubbers -- but as free people endowed by our Creator with "certain unalienable rights," to the great consternation of Big Government, Big Tyranny, and Big Secularism.
The rebels of the resistance under our true Creator -- which is not the State or the impersonal, heartless cosmos -- are finding their voice again. That's good for us. Bad for the Statists.
The freedom that chooses love condemns all pretend messiahs.