Pelosi Plays "Violence" Card
If a thug with a knife or gun tries to get you inside his car, don't.
Speak up, speak out, resist.
If a politician with a podium tries to get you inside his tyranny, don't.
Speak up, speak out, resist.
Resistance is exactly what power-grubbers -- thief, thug, or politician -- do not want to see or hear. It's inefficient. It's inconvenient. A distraction. And it may well call attention to malappropriate designs.
Those malappropriate designs may be directed at your beautiful bride. Or they may be directed at the Creator's beautiful gift of freedom. The humane and loving person resists.
"A great many Americans -- a majority, according to recent polls -- are just plain fed up with the direction in which the Obama administration, and its liberal-Dem majority supporters in Congress, are trying to shove this nation," writes Richard N. Weltz at American Thinker.
"But don't speak up or speak out if you are among them," Weltz continues.
"According to former president Jimmy Carter, that makes you a racist. According to current harridan Nancy Pelosi, that makes you an inciter to violence."
Indeed. There's something about socialist, big government tyranny -- red or yellow, black or white -- that does not quite sit well with those who remember something about freedom under God, about a Declaration of inalienable rights, and about a Constitution designed to keep tyranny chained.
"Racist!" is a way of shutting you up and getting you inside the car.
"Violence!" is a way of shutting you up and getting you inside the System.
Resistance, however, is a way of not qoing quietly into the night of tyranny.
Rebelling against the knife, the gun, the thug, and the power-monger is a way to protect yourself, your bride, your God-given freedom.
We your neighors hear you. We hear your voice. Our eyes turn toward you. We see your face. We resist with you.
Thug, put down your knife. We would like to talk.
Thug, put down your gun. We would like to discuss.
Politician, listen.
You may shout. You may scream. You may warn. You may threaten. Eyes may moisten.
But we resist your tearful tyranny. We know the teeth are not far away.