Healthcare Constitutional? 1 Big Lie, 3 Basic Questions
W. James Antle III writes at American Spectator:
There is plenty of nonsense in this Newsweek dissection of the "top 5 lies" in the health care debate, but this one takes the cake: "But when fear and loathing hijack the brain, anything becomes believable-even that health-care reform is unconstitutional. To disprove that, check the commerce clause: Article I, Section 8."
Umm, what in Article I, Section 8 gives the federal government anything like the powers contained in Obamacare?
On the crucial issue of the Constitutionality of government-controlled healthcare, here are three questions I raised recently at Sarah Palin's page on Facebook:
1) Where in the Constitution, as written, is healthcare enumerated as a legitimate exercise of the federal government?
2) Are the American people better off with healthcare under the control of the Washington establishment, or are they better off with the federal government under the Constitution (as written)?
3) Insofar as federal control of healthcare violates the U.S. Constitution, let us ask: Are the American people better off with -- or without -- the U.S. Constitution?
Read the rest of James Antle's post at American Spectator.