Thugs in the Night: Democratic Healthcare Meltdown Continues -- Video
This column by Connie Hair at Human Events contains a riveting Fox News interview with Mike Sola, the father of a son with cerebal palsy. At a townhall meeting, Sola challenged Michigan Democrat Rep. John Dingell, Sola's putative representative in Congress.
During the interview with Fox, Sola says that, "after the [townhall] incident was aired on television, we had a visit that night. A message was sent to my family."
Any father can appreciate Sola's message in reply: "I will use every means every means available to me, lethal force if necessary, to protect Scott and my wife," Sola promised. "Your message has been received."
But politicians and their thugs are intruding not just upon our families "at night," as it were, but upon our nation -- in broad daylight -- in a whole range of un-Constitutional usurpations of power and authority, represented of late by the Obama administration. Republicans, too, have much, much to answer for.
What is needed are Americans -- father, mothers, brothers, sisters -- willing to take a Constitutional and Declarational broom to clean out this mess. In the realm of government and politics, that's the real crisis. That's the real cancer choking off freedom and dignity in America.
Healthcare isn't the crisis, "Obamaism" is. Washington-centrism is. State idolatry is. And it's an inhumane idolatry no matter how much you gussy it up with god-talk or social-talk or press releases from the Ministry of Love.
This is much more to the point of what we're seeing at these townhall meetings. If America is to survive as America, then let us work, hope, and pray that what we are witnessing is the beginning of the beginning of the end of D.C. Tyranny and the regressiveness for which it stands.