The Strategic Rationale for Obliterating Obamacare
Andie Brownlow does not accept the premise that the healthcare bill (HR 3200) is "needed or even constitutional."
This is why, as she writes at American Thinker:
The health care bill must be defeated and not negotiated.
Congress will offer us everything we want and more, so long as a bill for socialized health care gets signed into law.
There are no sacred cows in HR 3200; the only thing that matters to progressive elites is the precedent of its passage.
They will eventually, patonizingly capitulate to our demands to change the bill.
We will have been taken as fools who bought snake oil because we won the haggle over price.
Our Constitution is very clear on a limited federal government.
Providing healthcare and other social services on a federal level are not what our founders intended.
In fact, they all spoke at great length about avoiding the tyranny of oppressively large government, emphasizing freedom & limitations on federal government.
Read the rest of "I Don't Accept the Premise," by Andie Brownlow.
Healthcare Takeover: What Does the Constitution Say?
SS Watch: Welcome to Gestapo-Care