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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sweden Outlaws Home Schooling

By Rick Pearcey • August 19, 2009, 09:46 AM

"The founder of the Home School Legal Defense Association says home schooling in Sweden will soon be banned altogether, with a few minor exceptions," reports OneNewsNow.

"Mike Farris says that Sweden will ban all home schooling except for children with medical exemptions and foreign workers with the appropriate work visas."

Comment: If the state is supreme, the people must obey.

But as the American Founders realized -- and acted upon -- that's a big "if." 

A free people, aware of their dignity as created in the image of a knowable and verifiable God, and thereby endowed with "certain unalienable rights," rightly and properly resist.

These rights are not mere "values," but facts imbedded holistically in human existence by a Creator who is anything but indifferent.

So it matters little whether we are talking about secular and inhumane idolatry abroad -- or here at home in the U.S.

"Love thy neighbor" simply will not be domesticated, bought off, or scared away. 

A mind is a terrible thing to enslave.