Home Invasions Under Obamacare
"A parental-rights advocate is concerned that parental authority could be usurped under Obama's healthcare plan," reports OneNewsNow.
"Mike Farris with ParentalRights.org is drawing attention to Title IX, Subpart 3, section 440, on page 837 of Obama's healthcare plan (HR 3200). That section deals with the creation of a government bureaucracy that would establish and expand 'programs providing voluntary home visitation for families with young children and families expecting children.'
"Under the provision, the government would instruct parents on age-appropriate child development in 'cognitive, language, social, emotional, and motor skills.' It would also provide parents with 'modeling, consulting, and coaching on parenting practices.'"
Says Farris: "The government simply has no business, no expertise, and no constitutional authority to come in and teach subjective values to families. They are so far out of their bailiwick. . . . This is one of the most serious intrusions into families."
Such an intrusive government would be, of course, a rogue government. Our Constitutional system of government, by way of contrast, is founded upon objective information and objective moral norms rooted in a real and living Creator who gives an adequate basis for human dignity, human freedom, unalienable rights, and civil society.
This is yet another reason to be thankful for the work done by the Founding Fathers ca. 1776. And it helps awaken us to the basis for the kind of real reform needed for real progress in the life, thought, and government of contemporary America.