CNN: Where Was Tea Party Movement Before Now?
"That was the incredulous, sniping demand of CNN 'news' anchor Tony Harris, who gives almost as much opinion as news," notes the editorial page of the Augusta Chronicle.
"Harris was interviewing an organizer of the Tea Party Express -- a caravan that will ride from Sacramento, Calif., to Washington, D.C., to dramatize growing concern among many Americans about the out-of-control federal government."
By the way, avant-garde readers of The Pearcey Report and Pro-Existence may note a certain turn of phrase in the following (emphasis added):
. . . many Americans are coming to see that [Obama's] unprecedented spending, his plan to bail out irresponsible mortgage holders, his ineffective and wildly irresponsible stimulus plan, and his government-centric philosophy are making things worse -- especially for our progeny.
Here's the entire editorial.