Why We Revolt: AARP Exposed
Philip Klein writes at American Spectator:
Last week, many of you saw the video of a Dallas AARP town hall meeting on health care that AARP officials ended early after the audience raised too many objections. The woman leading the meeting, for instance, tried to shut up audience members who said they disagreed with her when she made assumptions about what she thought they would agree with her on. At one point, a man summed it up by asking, “Do you guys work for us, or do we work for you?”
The answer? The AARP woman behaved as though the members of AARP work for AARP. But beyond this, perhaps some have noticed an unfortunate parallel of disdain in this woman's approach and in how the White House and federal government behave toward the American people. So let us ask: Does the White House and federal government work for us, or do we work for them?
But not only are there regrettable attitudinal and behavior parallels between Liberal Advocacy and Big Government, there is also a real-world political connection between AARP and the White House. Klein writes:
[AARP] CEO Barry Rand, who was a major Obama donor, has gotten cozy with the administration, and along with the rest of the top brass at the Washington headquarters, has decided to support liberal policies. Now the group is actively working alongside the administration to sell these policies that their members are rejecting -- using their members money to do so. In a typically liberal and patronizing kind of way, they think they know what's best for their members, and they're trying to tell them what to think.
But, some might say, what if this resistance at an AARP "townhall" is merely a local occurance and not at all an indicator of AARP's real attitude toward its membership? That is a theoretical possibility, but as Klein writes:
Not only did the woman running the meeting decide to mix it up with dues-paying members, but a vice president from Washington went on national television and defended her actions.
So let's just call a spade a spade. AARP is not an organization that represents its members, but a group that treats its members as dupes so it can suck up their money and use it to advocate a liberal policy agenda supported by its Washington leadership.
Perhaps what we are seeing is this: Neither the AARP nor the federal establishment are "organizations" that represent members or tax-payers. Rather, both are "groups" that treat members and citizens as "dupes" and open wallets, as unimportant, insignificant, manipulable, and controllable denizens of "fly-over country."
Moreover, through dues or taxation, we now see hard-working individuals created in the image of God having their money -- their time, their energies, their lives, their dreams -- sucked up to serve a policy agenda that violates the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. As such, it is an alien agenda advocated by allies in the media, academia, Hollywood, and unions, and then supported by the secular-political power establishment that occupies strongholds in the currently unhealthy body politic of the United States.
Secular liberalism as a worldview holds the individual in contempt, just as it holds real diversity in contempt. "Equality" has become a steamroller to smash the opposition into submission, whether that opposition be AARP members asking questions or whether it be individual states reasserting Constitutional freedoms under the Bill of Rights.
Ultimately this contempt for individual significance, for diversity, and for the unique person reaches back to a secularist worldview that lacks an adequate basis for respecting the individual -- a basis that is evident, however, in the Founders' insistence that there is a Creator, that human beings are made in His image, and that He (and not the divinized, secular State or impersonal nature) is the sources of human rights.
When regular people experience something of what secular liberalism truly is, when the curtains are pulled back on the PR machine and propaganda mill, sharp teeth reveal themselves behind polite teleprompters, soothing messages, and camera-ready smiles. Human beings properly react in outrage and horror.
Humanity was created to revolt against false idols. It's one of the "blessings of liberty" despised by tyrants. Even if they hold office by a majority of the vote. Tyrants promise Eden but deliver Hell.