Independence Woman: Sarah Surprises Again
Robert Stacy McCain on Sarah's July surprise and why the punditocracy is behind the Palin curve:
The punditocracy can't predict Palin because she shares neither their perspective nor their assumptions. Her ascent to political stardom has been treated as a fluke by most of the GOP establishment for the simple reason that she doesn't slavishly follow the standard script of Republican politicians.
For all the back and forth Saturday and Sunday, Independence Day weekend seems as good a time as any for a strong, independent woman to declare her independence from political business as usual.
The Founding Fathers "shook up the world" (to quote a famed pugilist). To the degree that Palin shares and ably articulates their Declaration principles and their Constitutional vision, one might expect more surprises from her and more gnashing of teeth from members in good standing with the massive federal state and the oft-unquestioned, freedom-denying assumptions for which it stands.
More on "Sarah Surprises Again" at American Spectator.