Healthcare? What "Not Familiar" Obama Needs to Know
During an Obama conference call, a liberal blogger asked the most powerful man in the world: "Will people be able to keep their insurance and will insurers be able to write new policies even though H.R. 3200 is passed?"
Obama replied: "You know, I have to say that I am not familiar with the provision you are talking about."
But then, with apparent conviction, he said: "If you have health insurance and you like it, and you have a doctor that you like, then you can keep it. Period."
"But how," asks Examiner Heather Hogue in Phoenix, "can the president make such a promise if he is unfamiliar with the legislation? He can't. It's another empty promise."
Obama's admission is astounding. And so is his apparent ignorance.
But not one-tenth as astounding that he's leading the charge to impose an anti-Constitutional government-controlled heathcare system upon the people of the United States.
And more than astounding, it's tyrannical.
For it requires an ungodly and anti-freedom monoply of power in the hands of the few. Just the sort of thing our form of goverment is supposed to put the brakes on.
In their liberating biblical realism, the Founders understood something about the ability of less-than-perfect people (like you and me) to abuse trust, power, and authority.
Mr. Obama, forget about becoming familiar with the healthcare bill.
In fact, throw it away.
For it has no business cluttering up your office. Or your mind.
Instead, read the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution on a daily basis. Load copies of them into the presidential teleprompters.
Demonstrate in your mode of governance that you are familiar with the tremendous treasures of freedom contained in those documents. Freedoms that are the "blessings of liberty" from a Creator who gives the blessings.
And when you come to the part that says the Federal Establishment has the authority to impose socialized healthcare upon a sovereign people, please let us know. (You will understand if we do not hold our collective breath.)
Until then, please note that any "fairness" or "equality" or "compassion" that overrides the Constitution, sir, is not just an empty promise, but an affront to the Creator who endows each of us with "certain unalienable rights." A free-thinking people is not forever long-suffering.