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Monday, June 22, 2009

CNN Video: "Death of Neda" Becomes Symbol of Iranian Protests

By Rick Pearcey • June 22, 2009, 10:08 AM

This chilling video from Iran demonstrates something about the price of freedom, something about the high personal cost of standing up to government tyranny.

Our Founders understood something about this. Do we here at home in the U.S.?

Or have secularized Americans and "Christian" presidents such as Barack Hussein Obama forgotten about unalienable rights endowed by the Creator? Those real human rights, of course, violate the "separation of church and state" written into the "living" U.S. Constitution by the likes of the ACLU.

If that rewrite of history and the Constitution stands, then it may be Tehran today, but America tomorrow, for ideas have consequences. And bad ideas can have evil consequences.

If we despise the Founding Vision -- as elites and secularists preach and teach in Washington, Hollywood, Media, and academia -- one wonders on what basis American individuals and families can really hope to maintain their freedom and dignity.

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