Tancredo: Obama "Truly a Cult Leader"
On Radio America, former Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo said:
You have to admit, he is a cult leader and the cult will go with him anywhere he wants to go.
You just don't know about the size of the cult, how big it is, if it's shrinking or growing, but he is a cult leader and you have to realize that he's not just a political figure, he is truly a cult leader.
Much of politics today is divorced from a careful consideration of fact, logic, constitutional limits on power, and liberty as defined by the American founding. That we are left much of the time with recourse to cults of personality, hyped agendas, ideological passions, and raw power is hardly surprising. Or welcome.
As the American founders understood, a free-thinking people living in community with our true Creator will throw off this undignified nose-pulling that struts the world as some kind of "cool."