Couric Ceremony Brownshirts Handcuff Filmmaker
Quin Hillyer writes:
Every "media freedom" outlet in the country should be up in arms about this, helping John Ziegler pay for a lawsuit, shouting from the rooftops against this blatant and disquieting and downright frightening abridgement of the First Amendment.
Here's video of fascism in action.
Tyranny in America, both soft and hard (ask the dead babies about it), must be resisted and overcome. This is the task of every American who remembers who we are.
Who are we? We are not compliant "citizens" with a vague set of "values" waiting for Obama, the establishment, and disdainful secular elites to issue government-approved marching orders for what we get to do tomorrow.
Who are we? We are human beings created in the image of God and endowed by our creator with unalienable rights that no journalist, no security guard, no bureaucrat, no politician, and no White House authoritarian has the authority to take away. We-the-free -- and not the fascist slave-masters -- run this country.
We are here to cause tyrants to tremble. Today, tomorrow, as soon as possible, there should be Freedom Protests against any form of tyranny imposed upon the mind of man.
Today, tomorrow, as soon as possible, there should be protests for unalienable rights and Declaration Freedoms at USC (where Ziegler was cuffed), media outlets, and any place of authoritarianism in America that dares participate in the on-going ideological coup against the foundations and vision of the United States of America.
Obama and his enablers in the Federal Empire, the Democratic Party, squishy Republicans, the socialists in media and all the rest may not like it, but the Spirit of 1776 lives. For that which is rooted in verifiable truth from our Creator never passes away, never dies, and is always a solid support for those ready to "overcome evil with good." Just like the No. 1 book hated by all tyrants -- The Bible -- says (Rom. 12:21).
Wednesday was T-Day. Today is T-Day plus 2. Folks, we're going to Berlin to empty out the bunker.