Anderson Cooper and the Crisis of Journalism
"CNN's Anderson Cooper should have his dirty, little gutter mouth washed out with soap," writes Joseph Farah. "Then he should be fired." Farah is responding to Cooper's use of the word "Tea-bagging" to describe the nationwide Tea Party rallies of April 15.
While lining up for or against the comments made by Cooper, let us note a strategic point: The liberal secularist mindset lacks an adequate basis for objective norms not just in regard to right and wrong, but also in regard to epistemology (theory of knowledge). This is a major contributor to the breakdown of journalism today. (Those who want to pursue this argument might take a look at The Dust of Death, by Os Guinness, and He Is There and He Is Not Silent, by Francis Schaeffer.)
These factors united in perhaps one of the most unfortunate episodes in erstwhile journalistic practice in recent memory when Cooper expressed on-air a profound hatred for the Tea Party movement by "jokingly" describing it in terms appropriate to that "progressive," dehumanizing squalor known as the homosexual movement.
Homosexuals as broken creatures made in the image of God (as we all are, that is, broken but also noble) are better than the worldview embraced by their cadres of leadership. A truly humane and liberated civilization affirms their ontic dignity even while challenging their ethical pain and brokeness. This is an "up from barbarism" distinction that applies across the board to all of us -- and it is made possible on the basis of verifiable information from a knowable and rational Creator. That's the kind of Creator referenced in our Founding documents, with their roots in Judeo-Christian thoughtforms.
Not only is what Cooper said deserving of ethical condemnation, but it also reveals a principial breakdown between journalism and urinalism, where there no longer is a line of demarcation between facts and propaganda, between reporting and demonization, between knowledge and Goebbels.
Using insider gutter language to demonize political opposition is part and parcel of the fascist, liberal, statist, and secularist playbook these days. It bespeaks a form of cultural pollution in play with special viciousness since the demonization of Judge Robert Bork when in 1987 he was nominated to the Supreme Court.
On display here is not just the weakness and inherent destructiveness of the homosexual worldview -- not just personally but also in its impact on societal foundations -- but also the desperation of establishment media and other elites who rightly perceive a real threat to their secularist and statist agenda.
The need for progress rooted not in vain and hurtful philosophy but in that vision displayed so brilliantly and courageously by our Founding Fathers is more apparent than ever. That, at its core, is the profound hope energizing the Tea Party movement. Hence the bared fangs of those on the wrong side of unalienable rights, life, liberty, happiness, and the Creator from whom those rights derive.
Mr. Cooper has spoken, and his own words condemn him. This much seems clear: Either he is in the wrong line of work, or the line of work his is in is not journalism.