Obama Approval Rating Drops Below 50%
From Zogby:
President Barack Obama's ratings for job performance and favorability did not improve over earlier this month. In the most recent survey, 49% rate his job performance as excellent or good and 50% as fair or poor (less than 1% were not sure). That is a dip of three points from the previous poll.
"It's a Zobgy poll, so a little skepticism is required," comments Rick Moran over at American Thinker. "But even Zogby -- a Democratic pollster -- isn't off by much more than the others. And Rasmussen has been showing a steady decline in the president's job approval as well."
Prediction: The more Americans understand who Obama is and the Federal-centric Empire for which he stands, the less they will appreciate him, his "investments," and the redefinition of America (read: "change") he seeks to impose.