Notre Dunce: "Social Justice" Catholicism Hits Obottom
"I have been plenty ashamed of my alma mater in recent years," Laura Hollis writes. Among other things:
Allowing performances of the artistically meritless and gratuitously vulgar play, “The Vagina Monologues” on a campus named for the woman whose body Catholics believe bore the Son of God was a new low.
But now the University of Notre Dame has sunk even lower, by inviting President Barack Obama to give the commencement address at this year’s graduation ceremonies in May, conferring upon him a doctor of laws honoris causa.
Obama’s enthusiasm for the deliberate destruction of human life is well-known by now. He does not merely tolerate it; he has consistently used his political power to advance it. And to advance the careers of others who support it. . . .
More from Hollis here.