Limbaugh vs. Obama
Two fundamentally differing visions of the origin and destiny of the United States were recently set forth before the American people.
In a February 24 speech (video, text as prepared for delivery) to a joint session of Congress, Barack Obama advanced a program that sometimes employs the language of liberty but whose worldview dynamics and real-world impact submit Americans to a secularist plan that is centered, driven, and empowered by Washington, D.C.
In a February 28 speech before CPAC 2009 (Conservative Political Action Committee) in Washington, D.C., Rush Limbaugh argued for progress based on a Constitutional and Declaration vision. This vision asserts the superiority of the Creator -- and of a free people liberated by that Creator -- over the power structures of this world, whether those systems are led by kings, presidents, revolutionaries, or some other kind of arbitrary, sociological elite. A transcript and video of Limbaugh's "1st Televised Address to the Nation" are available here.
Further elucidation on the superiority and humanity of a federal republic secured by the Constitution and energized by a Delcaration vision is available here ("Steamroller: Obama May Revoke 'Conscience Rule'").
An article-length treatment of these themes is available in "O'Reilly, Letterman, and the Culture War."