Video: Coulter at CPAC
You can see video of Ann Coulter's brilliant, upbeat, and funny CPAC 2009 speech here. This will take you to the CPAC video streaming page.
Ignore the video box on the left for the moment. Find the archive menu on the top right and select "Saturday." Click on the "February 28, Session 8" box (right side of page).
After the video loads, you'll see Tom DeLay introduced by David Bossie. DeLay offers a good set of humorous remarks and then introduces Coulter. She is at the top of her game.
Among Coulter's lines (roughly quoted): "I love going on the 'View' because being around those gals makes me feel so young and pretty."
You may recall that in 2007 at CPAC, Coulter remarks on John Edwards created a "Faggot" firestorm, which I comment on here.
I do not know how long CPAC will keep this page alive. The organization is selling DVDs of speakers' remarks.
By the way, DeLay once told me at an earlier CPAC that Nancy Pearcey was one of his heros because of her work (28+ chapters!) in How Now Shall We Live? (tri-authored with novelist Harold Fickett and Prison Fellowship Chairman Charles Colson). I was attending CPAC on behalf of Human Events.
Once again, Tom, thanks for the kind words.