Steamroller: Obama May Revoke "Conscience Rule"
Rick Moran writes:
Ah - state compulsion; the essence of tyranny. When the state demands that you do something that goes against your most deeply held beliefs, they are exercising the same level of control over you as any dictator or tyrant.
This report from the Chicago Tribune is what elicited Moran's remarks:
Taking another step into the abortion debate, the Obama administration Friday will move to rescind a controversial rule that allows health-care workers to deny abortion counseling or other family-planning services if doing so would violate their moral beliefs, according to administration officials.
The rollback of the "conscience rule" comes just two months after the Bush administration announced it last year in one of its final policy initiatives.
True enough, what Moran describes is of grave concern. But what Obama is doing may be even more troubling than Moran describes. For this move does not simply come up against mere "conscience" or against the "moral beliefs" of individuals.
The right to life is not merely a “moral belief,” it is a moral fact. On the basis of scientific data, we know that human beings are human beings from the moment of conception. This is a biological fact that has nothing to do with pay-grades. Even if you are unemployed, or just running for President of the United States, this fact remains true.
Also, on the basis of verifiable and knowable information from our true Creator -- the Creator upon whom the high freedoms of this nation are grounded, as is recognized in the Declaration of Independence and which the Constitution is designed to protect -- we know that human beings possess tremendous dignity and innate worth, even from the moment of biological conception.
It follows from these facts that human beings of course have the right and duty to protect their neighbors, even if their neighbors are the "least of these." Healthcare workers should be admired, not attacked or undermined, for their efforts in this area.
A humane government is one that recognizes and respects the God-given and therefore inalienable right of individual people, including healthcare workers, to counsel towards life and away from death.
To forbid this humane behavior is deep intolerance and tyranny, again, not just against privately held "belief systems" or "value sets" that secular elites can steamroll with impunity.
Rather, it is a Washington-centric system setting itself up as Deity -- a pretended absolute -- against the moral facts of life and against human obligations that attend living in community with our true Creator and with our neighbors, big or small, born or unborn.
What needs to be rolled back is not the freedom of the individual to express him or herself under God. What needs to be rolled back is a Washington-centric secular establishment at odds with the rights and dignity of humanity and at odds with the Creator whose character and existence form the basis of those liberating rights. The Obama move is inhumane and ill-advised.