"1st Woman to Swim Atlantic" Didn't
Days ago AP reported Jennifer Figge swam the ocean blue. "Not quite."
A "few seconds of thought and a pocket calculator" indicate the impossibility of this feat, notes an observer, even though there's a picture of her swimming right there in the ocean (one supposes it's her).
Now there's nothing wrong with marketing, with putting your best foot forward. But why not market truth, and why not market truth truthfully?
It seems we are in abundant supply of pretend authors, fudged data, phony stimuluses, cheating students, market-driven ministry, and activist-driven journalism. Plus assorted groupies and enablers and staff who know what's going on but courageously rock not the boat that pays their bills, establishes their identity, and affirms their vested interests.
Selling souls is big business and requires team players you can trust not to ask questions. As insiders well know, certain CEOs and trusted "spiritual giants" excel at spotting the right kind of person for this kind of sensitive job. My how the "giants" are enraged when regular people grab hold of God and rebel against the con.
Maybe this instead: Real work by real people. Let's tell the truth about that. It'll make the swim all that more enjoyable.
Your thoughts?