Pearcey Report in Yahoo! News
Somebody at Yahoo! seems to like our headlines.
The latest example of this is found at the bottom of a story titled, "Iran Calls for U.S. to End Support of Israel."
See the section "Most Blogged - World" and click on "blogs about this story (5)."
Here's the headline that caught Yahoo!'s attention: "Iran Leader Demands Change: Says U.S. Must Apologize for Crimes."
That Ahmadinejad can manipulate "change" his way demonstrates how meaningless a linguistic symbol it is without a fixed and definite content rooted in reality.
That kind of rootless "change" can turn hopes and votes into plain old despair. It's happened before in "historic" elections, and it can happen again.
For more on the challenge of "change," see philosopher Angus Menuge on "Regarding Change: Liberals Drink Deeply From Fascist Well."